Make a difference with a gift today!
Health equity means ensuring everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. However, this isn't always the reality. Many face barriers like discrimination, poverty and lack of access to good-paying jobs, which prevent them from achieving their best health outcomes. These barriers create health disparities—differences in health that stem directly from social, economic and environmental disadvantages.
The HERE (Health Equity Research and Education) Center is committed to transforming health outcomes for historically marginalized communities. Our vision can be summarized in one statement: we want everyone in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas to have the opportunity to live a healthy life.
Your support enables us to:
In recent years, we have collaborated with multiple community partners, supported our faculty with manuscript and research grant writing, mentored and trained 197 undergraduate and graduate student researchers and interns and supported more than 800 STEM transfer students through professional development workshops and peer mentoring.
Your gift to us will amplify our impact, supporting students and advancing health equity in the San Fernando Valley.
Check out our website to learn more about the work that we do!
Click the "Donate" button above to give to the HERE Center.