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Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (ARCS)

Join our journey to become the country’s #1 University championing students for NASA internships. 

"If you give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day. If you teach someone to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime." That’s the vision for ARCS’ NASA Internships: The Fishing Rod Program. 

ARCS – the Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (Science, Technology & Engineering, Entrepreneurship & Business, Arts, Humanities, and Mathematics) –  is a NASA-sponsored, chartered Center of Excellence. Our mission is to transform the lives of underserved/underrepresented students and faculty, preparing them to become leaders in bringing together multiple disciplines to conduct research with NASA and industry partners. 

What better “fishing rod” is there to train our students for leadership roles than through a NASA internship? It’s simple:  we combine individual donations to make a larger, life-changing impact. For every $9,000 you help raise, a student can complete a 10-week internship at NASA/JPL. In the past four years, CSUN students from Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Anthropology, Psychology, Geography and Graphic Arts completed NASA/JPL internships, with some hired as full-time staff after graduation. Now that's success!

Plus, our interns love sharing their stories with donors. You'll be on the journey with them, creating a special connection to celebrate NASA successes and personal achievements. Donors are inspired, too, knowing they've helped transform the professional life of a student. That's why many invite friends to join the program.

Come along and make a "reel" difference for a CSUN student. Donate today!

Click the "Donate" button above to give to ARCS. 

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