Thank you for a successful CSUN Giving Day! You can still donate by clicking HERE!
Support CSUN's Greatest Needs

Many Matador students have overcome great challenges, financial or otherwise, just to attend CSUN — challenges that you might be able to identify with. 

Some are the first in their families to go to college, and many pursue higher education while working full- or part-time to meet their most basic needs.

Matador students are determined to use CSUN as a vessel to create life-lasting experiences, earn a world-class education and achieve a better life for themselves and their families.

You have the power to create hope for CSUN students in 2024 and beyond by making a donation during CSUN's Giving Day.

Create hope today and donate to CSUN's greatest needs through the CSUN Brighter Future Fund or the University Scholarship Fund!

Rank State Gifts
1 CA 32
2 CO 3
3 MI 2
Don't forget to share!

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